This is the tale of Leo Tavious, a resident of the crime-infested city known as Heavenly City. Leo, an OG member of the Scorp Gang, finds himself in a dire situation as the gang faces relentless raids and drive-bys, while their rivals, the South Side Gang, thrive in power. Amidst these circumstances, Leo embarks on a quest for vengeance to avenge his brother and settle scores with those who have wronged him or dare to oppose him. However, his past misdeeds start catching up to him, adding to the complexity of his journey back to the top. Standing by his side are his blood brothers and brothers in arms, united in their determination to reclaim what belongs to them, regardless of the sacrifices they must make.

Published 1 day ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, HTML5
Release date 18 hours ago
AuthorWildBird 2005
GenreAction, Shooter
Tags2D, Action-Adventure, Adult, Driving, Open World, Singleplayer


All Rise 274 MB
All Rise 190 MB

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